
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut


Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

Bitcoin Embassy in Warsaw Officially Open!

12 maja 2014 r. otworzono pierwszą europejską ambasadę Bitcoin. Wydarzenie otwarcia przyciągnęło gości z całego świata, a założyciele ambasady podkreślali otwartość na wszystkich zainteresowanych kryptowalutami. Inicjatywa miała na celu propagowanie Bitcoin oraz stworzenie przestrzeni do dyskusji na temat nowoczesnych technologii.

12 May 2014 | 19:16

On this day, May 12th, 2014 the first European Bitcoin embassy officially opened its doors for business. 

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I arrived at the site a few moments prior to the scheduled launch and found the two originators and a handsome number of guests shuffling about inside the premises. There was a perceptible air of anticipation among those gathered. The guests were dispersed across two rooms- one with a bulky counter along one of its walls on which a Bitcoin-orange map of the world occupied most of the space, and the other featuring a coffee table surrounded by couches and with an artistic representation of Satoshi Nakamoto to the left of the doorway.

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At around 12 pm Maciej Ziółkowski- one of the founders walked over to the center of the first room, positioned himself against the LCD screen showing the Bitcoin price chart and welcomed everybody to the event. He also invited everybody to visit the embassy no matter one?s business within the Bitcoin world- everybody is welcome at the newly-opened locale.

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The introduction was followed by a minister consecrating the Embassy and voicing his support for Bitcoin?s leading role in the emergence of a new, freer world. Then, a toast was raised and everybody drank a few sips of champagne to the good fortune of the establishment. Following the toast, the guests split into smaller clusters and discussed  mining hardware to be sold at the Embassy and other subjects related to digital currencies, the economy and the state of the world in general.


The occasion was a joyous one and I?m sure anybody would have felt at home today at the Embassy. In tune with  the interview Ziółkowski gave a few days prior to the launch, Bitcoin?s alluring characteristics are no longer limited to speedy transfers and increased privacy and the crypto-currency?s popularity is now helped by physical locations with eager-to-help staff and a pleasant modern decorum.

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Read also: The Bitcoin Embassy: A Conversation With Founder

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Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut